Crafting Magic in Glass: The Story Behind My Latest Clownfish Sculpture

I just uploaded a new video on my YouTube channel. In the video, shot by Venezia Vision and edited by Cromatica, I tell the story of creating a glass sculpture of clownfish swimming in a sea of anemones in just a few minutes. It's my story, but in a way, it's also the story of all glass lampwork craftsmen.

In the video, you can see me entering the Murano headquarters of EffeTre, where I select the colored glass tubes needed for the piece. Then, I'm shown working on the torch, first creating the anemones and then the clownfish. After the pieces are baked in the oven, the video ends with the assembly of the sculpture, where I arrange the anemones and fish in a harmonious way.

If you’re interested in watching the full video, here it is:


Step Inside My Workshop: Special Visits During Homo Faber 2024
